are always considered as the castle of horrors, but for me these are nothing
but capsules of humor.

My tryst
with interviews started with mu sigma.
after successfully completing my written test, I was lucky to be called for the GD or the group discussion. Otherwise what I call the general disagreement. Head held high (six point two feet high) I and five others entered the room. Topic “education being commercialized”. Studying in a govt. college with 6200 bucks per year, and 15000 yearly scholarship my ideas were dim. I waited for others, my first mistake.
after successfully completing my written test, I was lucky to be called for the GD or the group discussion. Otherwise what I call the general disagreement. Head held high (six point two feet high) I and five others entered the room. Topic “education being commercialized”. Studying in a govt. college with 6200 bucks per year, and 15000 yearly scholarship my ideas were dim. I waited for others, my first mistake.
waited for nobody. They started like babbling baboons. The computer science
guys with their regular NDTV and aaj tak knowledge were pouring cats and dogs.
The mech guys countered every logic with their no nonsense stupidities. Well
India is a democratic and everyone knows Indian parliament. I was like prime
minister sitting calm as I could; thinking that I would earn brownie point for
my integrity. A girl also was in my predicament.
Some ‘benevolent’
guy from mech said “let’s give the lady a chance”. Everybody agreed
disappointed that they lost chance to impress. Dog eating dog scenario. The
girl filled with confidence parroted everything that both sides said. Even the
GD conductor was topsy-turvy on what she wanted to tell. Nobody said ‘let’s
give the gentleman a chance’. I never spoke. Three of those in the group were
selected. Benevolent guy, lady and I
were NOT in it. My first interview or rather GD of MU SIGMA remained an enigma
in my life.
The test was supposed to be completed in one hour. I gave my paper in 5 minutes. Not that I was brilliant or something. The questions were so hard that my mind had hit rock bottom. I completed my test with guess options, without even looking at many questions! One of my friends was caught browsing internet. I think maybe he was bored of those stupid questions.
I walked
out of the hall slow paced like in action movie. My mouth filled with bitter
ash of failure. I went room messaged to some curious friends in some stupid
metaphor that interview was like sour grapes or something like that. Later I
got the news that I was selected. Some guys who don’t believe in stories that
some people get into engineering college by marking answers without even
looking in question paper. Dude I would have supported you till now. In
alchemist, it’s called beginners luck. And it does soon run out.
For the interview 10 of us were called Bangalore.
I prepared some basic stuff in civil engineering. But I had hard time
memorizing the full form of ABB. I felt that if I could possibly ever expand
the acronym in front of them they would come to my home and give job.
We were via train to Bangalore. We
had to get to chevron hotel. It was my first time I had actually entered a
three star hotel. Chevron hotel staff greeted us kindly and led us to our
rooms. I thought ‘great hospitality’. Later we saw their real specialty.
The room was amazing. My favorite
being the toilet. A jet pipe did the karma that the left hand used to do. It
was intriguing. European toilet was never my specialty, but I did like the jet
pipe luxury. A life size mirror, fluffy bed, AC. A luxury we happily enjoyed.
The bottles of red bulls, edible and snacks were staring at us, but we
resisted. Later some guys, who could not, ended up giving twice the MRP. We
were happy at our will power.
The first round was the tech round.
That night we had all brought some books. We studied and discussed some of the
possible questions. Then we went to relish food. I always wanted to see what
the starred hotels served. I imagined all sort of heavenly food in master chef.
Surprise! The same chapatti, chicken, ice cream and colored rice. Each color
represented different species of rice. I took the endangered ones called the Kashmiri
rice. Apart from the yellow color, I found no specialty. Our team hunted for
more protein and the carbohydrate took back seat. Shame was a rare trait in
CETIANs. After we stuffed ourselves we retired into our rooms.
Interview day
We went to the ABB room in bus like
local nawabs. We were dressed like a Google CEO or something. We were very
strict about the ties. We had brought the ties and we must wear it. But only
two guys knew how to do it. They helped us sincerely.
I had my own arrangements done. Back
in Kerala, my two good hostel mates had accompanied me to buy the interview
dress. They bargained up the best formals I could ever lay my hands on. By the
time bargain was over, night had engulfed the earth. I had to board the train
the next day. Now we went for the shoes. At that time we could only spot a shop
open. Till then the shop keeper was busy killing those innocent urban educated
mosquitoes. Nobody cared to visit his shop.
stepped in and he flashed a vicious smile. We tried all the shoes and finally
came up two of right size. I bought the lee cooper shoes. I shelled 2500 bucks
for it. It was my friend’s suggestion that a top brand always upped my chance
in interview. Any ways not being on the beautiful side, I had to keep my props
at the best. Later those shoes were
going to be my Achilles heel. My hair was grown up. My friends asked “arree are
you going with this hair. They forced me to cut the hair. We went to the barbershop,
where the barber with his smooth talk had slayed them leaving their dwarf
successor. I looked into the mirror. A round head earlier was converted to oval
one. With an ear to ear smile, I could have been easily mistaken for a cracked
DODO egg.
The ABB building was a huge imposing
glass structure. The security guards were of top class. They took photos of us
in the web camera and allotted ID cards. We entered the massive building.
Already flabbergasted, we were escorted to the large hall. All I could see was
a massive army of formal shirts giggling and conversing. What the hell! There
was no way we could beat them all. In the hall we were asked to fill various
forms. Then we waited eternity for our turn. A beautiful song, (which now I
despise) and a video were repeated millions of time. If I ever had gotten into
that company, the music would have been my dial up tone. We carefully watched
the video and again I memorized the company’s full form, CEO’s name. The
company’s objective was environmental protection, sustainability etc. I had
already mugged many such words.
Then came ours turn. The first guy
from our college went and was selected. He came back and told us all that was
asked. Questions were like
Why ABB?
your career objective?
is your native place?
Where will you like
to work?
Do you like
designing or field work?
What is your hobby?
Do you know what
your role in the organization will be?
question’s like------
What is pile?
What is shear
diagram for two equal loading system?
What is the diagram
of simply supported cantilever?
When is DMC?
What is the maximum
reinforcement in column, beam etc?
He replied everything and later she
asked whether he had any questions?
He had asked
‘why do we use T section in the bridges?’
the interviewer could not reply!
Well the
question was asked to him in the IOC interview and He couldn’t reply; and now
he had his revenge and revenge is sweet.
few other guys, came my turn.
I was
escorted into a cabinet by the beautiful girl. I knocked the door.
‘May I come in ‘
‘Yes you can.’
I opened the door. In front me was a plump woman,
I smiled and she said ‘do want coffee?’
Ok now
flash back mode
My seniors had conducted a
seminar earlier before the recruitment. They had told about this electrical
topper who was attending a PSU interview. It was late afternoon and the
interviewer asked him
‘How are you feeling’?
He replied ‘hungry’!!
Okay here is lunch box you can
have some chapatti.
He took half of chapatti from box
and offered half to the interviewer!!!!!;
Anyway he never got selected. I
always thought that he was such a stupid. Little did I know that latter I was
destined to follow his pious footsteps. Now let’s go back to my interview.
remembered and said ‘no thanks’
she went
out for the coffee, came back and started sipping cafe in front of me. I was
sweating profusely, like a malaria patient.
asked ‘why are sweating so much?’
“India is a tropical country”
usually I am introvert guy, but I have this extreme personality disorder when
it comes to interviews, girls, booze and under pressure. Well what happens when
three of them come together?
to Dr. Hannibal lector.
smiled and said ‘okay but you are in AC’?
‘Is it working’; I swallowed hard. My
candid personality showed up at wrong time. I thought that I had already lost
the job. Well evidently I had to endure much more.
Okay now
why ABB?
I told
her about all that environmental sustainability, that I am environmental man
etc and she said
‘This is the same answer I am hearing since
the start of the day’.
So do you like field work or design work?
‘Field work’, looking at her I knew that she
knew nothing about field work!
I was right.
She asked about –
Types of piles
Different shear and bending
How do you measure amount of
steel in field
Design details of splices, columns,
answered many correctly, at last she asked do you have any question; a green
signal, I was happy and asked
‘Why do we use T section in the bridges?’
laughed and replied
with you people, the four guys before you asked me the same question’ and I
don’t know the answer.
afraid of losing my job I asked her
’why do cantilever gets crack when it is
I had the question from some IIT quiz which my
friends had told me. And she did not know answer. I was satisfied.
‘With question I meant any question about the
company’ and not
questions which we are supposed to ask you.
replied ‘no madam’
do you know what we are supposed to do here?’
‘Environmental sustainability,
green building and environmental friendly errrrr…..No madam’
Then I
take it as your question which I can answer. We make foundation of steel tower,
geotechnical and blah! Blah! Blah!.....
you shiju nice talking to you…..
And I
got selected.
So was
the ten of us.
Then we
went back to the chevron hotel in ABB sponsored cab. Now the chevron hotel had
this special room service we were yet to see. At dusk when we were not in our
rooms, they would pack our belongings; watch, pants everything in plastic bags.
Than those were kept for display outside at the reception.
Obviously we were very annoyed. One
guy had even asked ‘why the hell have you noted our phone nos. , you could have
just phoned us?’
happened every day. After the dusk, we would collect our belongings and would
be shown a new disinfected room. I call it ‘three starred every day
disinfection syndrome!!’
Once even our formals were wrinkled.
We asked pressing of our formals and they said 50 rs per cloth for the service.
3 stars means three times the normal chrge. I gave 50 rs for shirt and fifty
for pants. They pressed and gave back. I checked the clothes. Not even one wrinkle
was straightened out. Hell no! Even 5 year old could have done better than
that. They replied ’even if we press the shirts millions of time the wrinkles
won’t go away’.
What do you mean man 100 rs for what,
tour in the press room? They went away. One of my friends suggested ‘may be its
ironing and not the pressing we should do’. ’what’s the difference’. Again we
called and asked ‘how much for ironing?’
said ‘there is no ironing service’. The room service was getting in my nerves.
Later they gave us the iron box to iron ourselves.
I seriously doubt the hotel
accreditation agency. First they wrinkle our shirts and then they hand us the
iron box as if it was our mistake. Any way we ironed and the dress were tip
Then we ate food. This time we were
restrained. Earlier batches from our colleges had completed their first round.
They told us various things topic for GD which was ‘to rank different malice of
our country like ’corruption, poverty etc ‘and discuss.
Then we came back and decided to
practice. They all started, and like in mu sigma I could not say anything. My
friends coaxed me to tell something. I was hopeless. GD was never my thing. Any
way after the hopeless practice we went to the bed. Before sleeping, I thought
that I could not make any impact until I speak first.
I spent a sleepless night. In morning
we went to the same ABB complex. This time we were given schedule of three tests.
First one was the personal interview followed by marketing test and at the end
the GD.
We were
made to sit in a hall with paper, pens of different colors, charts and asked to
prepare for the marketing test while waiting for the personal interview. My aim
in marketing test was that being a sales man of some small toy company, I had
to make business with the big toy company. I had to do presentation cajoling
the executives of the big toy company.
However while doing the preparation
of charts; I was called for the personal interview.
I was escorted by the HR interviewer
herself. My alter ego Dr. Hannibal sat down and was all smiles. She had writing
pad in her hands and she was writing all sorts of things. She started
was the last time you showed leadership qualities?’
Madam, I was the captain of the
basket ball team (a
total lie, actually I was never even a substitute in a team; all I had done was
to pick up basket ball that went outside the play area and give it to the guys.
And when they were not playing the match, I would throw from different
positions. Any way that was the only sport whose rules I knew.)
from that?’
I was survey camp leader {not because of merit or something.
I was just chosen in a lot with another girl leader. I was the lousiest leader
in the world. In fact when it came to report writing and contour preparation, I
slipped like an eel. I contacted nobody till I knew the report was over. My
poor team members had to do everything. And they did it with grace)
was your work in it?”
I had to oversee the work, make sure
the team was in schedule, and prepare all the reports, check all instruments
were in order. [Universal
truth about lie. When you have started it, you have to pile on like municipal
dump waste].
‘And what was your team mates’ opinion
about you?’
said that I was a hard task manager’. [Yeah
sure! if it wasn’t for group’s dedication, I would be writing sequel for ‘five
point someone’]
what was the opinion of basket ball team mates?’
‘Well madam the team consisted of
different cultural groups and there problems between them, I negotiated. I had calming
influence. [This was true in a way. The school
team was worthless. Even with pretty tall and strong sawdust filled bull boys,
we lost awfully lot. They used to take out anger at me and two other weaklings.
We were substitutes for the substitutes. We were entertainment to them, and
calmed their foolhardy nerves. It was far better than the cricket and foot ball
is the thing that you have regretted doing in your life?’
‘Pointing at my shining shoes, I
said buying my lee cooper shoes?’ holy Mary!
‘What I meant is, I regret my spendthrift nature’, and I made whole lot of nice
things to reverse the damage. I saw a smirk in her face and was sure the damage
was already done.
Thank you shiju, good luck.
concentrated on the management test. I prepared all the graphs, beautiful
diagrams. I was called. This time there were two of them. I hung up the chart
paper on the chart holder. I began my Mahabharata about the toys. When I was
talking, I was jumping like a frog. They stared hard. I became self-conscious.
I put a hold on that and continued.
I poured out pure’ IIPM Aridham
Chauduri shit’. The interviewer was yawning uncontrollably. Then he religiously
showed me his Timex watch. I concluded, said thanks and left the room. One more
test. Don’t screw this up.
GD was in other hall. All the guys
who encouraged me last night was with me sitting in a round table. so were some
other friends of mine who were from other department.
This time there were four or five
interviewers seated. We were given the topic.
have to rank the following malice in our country and discuss
Population explosion
Pollution etc etc.
I had
the plan in the mind. I had to begin first. After giving instructions the HR
dudes sat back.
All the
guys eyed the person they thought would give them a good start. They were in
for a surprise. I kick started and ended up putting foot in every body’s job.
I ranked all the malice in a particular
order, said pros and cons, related all social and political aspect and ended up
speaking up for two thirds of allotted 45 minutes. I concluded, ending my
verbal massacre, smiling and looking at everybody and asked “what are your opinion guys”
HR dudes were in for a riot. Some
giggled and gurgled. I noticed nobody. The original kick start guy was first to
regain his consciousness from this onslaught. [Actually
we had for e.g. rank corruption first and reach a consensus and then rank next
malice and like that proceed. I had misunderstood and ended doing the whole
thing myself.}
The original kicker had understood
and steered the GD toward the right way. It was too late.10 minutes for the
remaining 10 persons. Do the math. We finished ending like Indian track
athletics in Olympics; reaching nowhere.
last the GD had ended and I had spoken first and farthest. I thought it was
To add injury to insult or vice
versa, HR said ’it was pleasure with you guys. Do you have any questions?”
I said ‘why was no girls selected in
the written test”
May be they did not clear cutoff”
And I murmured “they were many lot better
than us”
is this man! When did I become a feminist? Obviously if they were allowed I
wouldn’t be here in the first place”
I knew
everything was over. Apocalypse now.
GD was
over. We met outside. Everybody congratulated me sarcastically on my splendid
performance. And I thanked them meekly. One had even quipped ’dude, if you get
selected, I am going to do this in all my interviews”. Well it was very
I felt like DR. Lector in ‘silent lambs’. My mouth should have been kept sealed
with a machine, so that I could do no harm.
We came
back and result was announced. Four of us were selected. Three of them were fortunate
of not being in my group. As you guessed, the fourth guy was the GD kicker.
When I came to know about the
result, I was disappointed and slept over it. The night mare was over. Well
that’s what I thought until the next interview came.
Next was
the bulk recruiting companies. They were brought in two phases. Companies
famous in India came in first round. Not so famous came in second d round.
These companies make 100%placement in our college possible.
I easily
cleared the test paper, which was easier than my sister’s 1 st class
admission test. Oh my god! I st class admission test is so tough. Even I, in
sixth at that time was not able to answer many questions. ‘who was the first
Muslim PM in India? Which is the ship of the dessert?” were some of the many.
No points for guessing now, because first
standard guys know this. Later some of these guys complete their engineering
from IIT with heavy GPA, start studying NCERT 10th social science
text books for IAS. And after becoming IAS, some of them learn what they learnt
in kindergarten ’honesty is the best policy.’ But this time in Tihar jail.
My interview fear was gone. One of
the mediocre question in many interviews are” why Accenture, why this company?”.And
everybody was parroting their supposed answers.
‘Why not Accenture?’
“It’s the best IT Company to work
“The motto is high performance
delivered; I want to deliver high performance”
like serving foreign people. Like in British rule, my ancestors worked like
mindless poor donkeys. Now I work like mindless donkey with internet and land
would like to go to US and start blaming India for its lack of culture and
cleanliness. India is not up to my social status”
They were making every sort of
answer filled with sarcasm. I knew they had no spine in them when they faced
A nice article- which worth a read!