Sunday 27 October 2013

my kairo moment with SAM CAWTHORN

             A farmer  went out to sow his seed.As he was scattering the seed,some fell along the path;it was trampled on,and birds of air ate it up.Some fell on the rock,and when it came up thet  plant withered because it had no moisture.Other seeds fell among the throns,which grew up with it and choked the plants.Still other seed fell on good came up and yielded a crop , a hundred times more than that was sown.
                         bible  (luke 8:5)         

I had fortune of attending one of  Sam cawthorn's speech in IIT kgp.He is a motivational speaker from Australia,who happens to be one with a bionic hand.He had met with an accident which had left him physically different but mentally prodigiouse.

               You may be wondering what above bible quote and Sam cawthorn has in common.Like every motivational speakers,Jesus was one of the greatest who spread good news of heaven.As you know,Jesus not only gave message but also became a message when HE was cruicified.Sam cawthorn is the message"its not your condition,but your decision that matters".

As was the case with many motivational speeches,when the speech is over,all were filled with confidence.They pondered over the thoughts given by Sam and received it with great joy.But majority of them were like seed which fell on rock.They received the inspiration with great joy but since rock lacked moisture, the inspiration withered.Iam one of those people.I had attended many of the motivational lectures, after which i was brimming with confidence for a brief time.After that I am more elastic than steel, nad rebounded back to square one.I still find many things lacking in me.

        The second case is people need this but who don't attend because of laziness,or mentally created timelessness.They are choked with throns of life.
The third people are those who intrinsically feel and start doing things after  receiving the speech.

FINALLY for those who find this post stupid and making no sense,ITS BECAUSE i am writing this at 11 pm and after 10 pm i am a ZOOMBEE,with no brain working.However, from whatever that is left of my brain,i would like to give a take away of Sam Cawthron's talk-


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